As a result, you'll most likely find yourself creating your own custom compensation framework when using this transaction strategy. 因此,使用这种事务策略时,很可能发现要创建自己的自定义补偿框架。
Since Compensation Sphere is enabled, all the successfully completed activities, which are not part of the global transaction, will be compensated. 因为补偿域已启用,所以所有成功完成但不属于全局事务的活动都将补偿。
Compensation is one common methodology for dealing with this and for implementing a business transaction protocol. 补偿是处理这种事情和实现业务事务协议的常用方法。
Compensation is also available in short-running processes for cases where the invoked services cannot participate in a transaction. 补偿也可以用于短期运行流程中已调用的服务不能加入一个事务的情况。
In such cases, there is no need for compensation service activities inside the transaction. 在这种情况下,事务内部并不需要补偿服务活动。
This is just one of many examples illustrating how data inconsistency can occur, even when compensation frameworks are used to maintain transaction atomicity. 这是众多例子中的一个,仅此说明数据的不一致是如何发生的,即使使用了补偿框架来维持事务原子性。
The state is triggered by conditions that result from a table space going offline and compensation log records for a transaction not being written. 当出现表空间脱机以及对没有被写入硬盘的事务补偿日志记录时,就可能触发这种状态。
Improvement of compensation efficiency for valley ecology as well as establishment of transaction criteria and law and regulations plays an important role in environment improvement of the valley. 建立和完善相关交易标准、法律和规章平台,充分发挥市场贸易支付的作用,对于改善流域生态补偿效果具有重要意义。
The author thinks that China should set up the ideology of private law of registration act, such as setting up an unique and independent registration organs and compensation system and challenge system of registration to serve for the safe transaction. 我国物权登记立法应确立登记行为私法观念,建立统一、独立、以服务于交易安全为任务的登记机关、登记赔偿制度、异议登记制度等;
The procedure of revised administrative compensation is the process for the party on both sides to bargain, and to cut down transaction cost in the process of consultation, the designer of administrative compensation procedure is needed to dispose the right and duty on both sides. 行政补偿程序是双方当事人一个讨价还价的过程,降低在谈判协商过程中的交易费用,要求行政补偿程序设计者必须合理配置双方的权利与义务。
Study of Compensation of the Client's Transaction Clearing Fund Form the Legal Aspect 客户交易结算资金偿付法律问题研究
The form of civil liability is only the compensation for damage whose amount is equal to the amount of the profit gained by the illegal transaction. 在内幕交易民事责任的形式上只能采用损害赔偿形式,并且根据内幕交易行为的非法所得来确定赔偿数额。
Though they share many of the same characteristics such as broker compensation and transaction reporting as required by law, they target very different aspects of the market and have greatly different clientele. 虽然这两家公司在很多方面有相似之处,比如说经纪人补偿金和法律要求的交易报告方面,但是他们的细分市场和很多客户群还是迥然相异的。
According to Coase Theory the most suitable arrangement of daylight, estate, compensation should entitle the side affording the most transaction cost to have the right of daylight, while the injured side can look for justice rescue or get administrative compensation. 根据科斯定理,采光、不动产、赔偿之间的最佳配置在于使交易成本最大的一方享有采光权,受损害的一方可以提供民事或行政救济。
Viewing Procedure of Administrative Compensation from the Angle of Transaction Cost 从交易费用的角度看行政补偿程序
According to the real-time transaction model based on alternative/ compensation, this paper puts forward a new concurrency control protocol AC-Based CCP for real-time transaction. 本文在基于替代/补偿的实时事务模型的基础上提出一种新的实时事务并发控制协议:AC-BasedCCP协议。
By generating and executing compensation transaction automatically, the cohesion transaction mechanism may satisfy requirements of long-lived transaction. 在该模型中,通过自动产生和执行补偿事务,来满足Web环境中对长事务处理的要求。
Research and Implement on Compensation in Web Service Transaction Web服务事务中的补偿机制研究与实现
PTDL4WS also can describe the compensation transaction, thus guarantee the relax atomicity and consistence of the long running process transaction. 另外,PTDL4WS能够描述补偿事务,从而保证长运行流程事务的放松原子性和一致性。
Land acquisition system reform should replace the invisible and non-equivalent compensation way with fair transaction price. 征地制度改革应以公平合理的交易价格来取代这种隐形的、不等价的补偿方式。
The priority compensation system in the price of the construction project manifest the value orientation that the vulnerable groups are given special protection by a country in the legislative policy. The market transaction order is regulated practically, and the moral risk of transaction is prevented. 建设工程价款优先受偿权制度体现了一个国家在立法政策上给予弱势群体特殊保护的价值取向,切实规范了市场交易秩序,防范了交易的道德风险。
As the BPEL standard can orchestrate the web service flexibly and also has some features like exception handling, compensation transaction etc, it is very suitable to define a variety of exchange and sharing processes for the platform. 而BPEL标准能够对WEBService进行灵活的编排调度,同时具有异常处理、补偿交易机制等特点,非常适合用于数据交换平台中各种交换和共享流程的定义。
Shanghai Punch Trade Co., Ltd can profit loss compensation can be achieved depends on the interests of the performance of the contract. The completion of each contract transaction, it is expected will be realized and its stage adaptation of the possible benefits. 上海盘起是否获得可得利益损失的赔偿取决于合同履行利益的可实现性,每一合同事务的完成,预期都会实现与其阶段相适应的可得利益。
Compensation is the key whether the entire business transaction can be executed successfully. This procedure can eliminate the impacts of the submitted transactions at utmost. 补偿是整个业务事务能否顺利执行的关键,这一流程可以最大限度的消除已提交事务所产生的影响。
First, this paper elaborates from the theoretical basis of river basin ecological compensation. And based on the perspective of transaction cost theory and game theory, it gives a theoretical explanation of river basin ecological compensation. 本文首先从流域生态补偿的理论基础进行阐述,基于交易费用理论和博弈论的视角对流域生态补偿进行理论上的解释。
The algorithm determines the end compensation point dynamically in a hierarchical bottom-up manner according to transaction dependencies across hierarchies and diverse recovery behaviors of different services. 该算法依据层次间的事务依赖和服务的各种不同恢复特性进行层次式的向上规约处理,动态确定补偿终止点。
In practice, the compensation for the use of emission rights in Hunan province has been basically completed, and not only the pilot range has been becoming increasing large, but also the transaction factor has increased to two. 实践上,湖南省的排污权有偿使用工作的铺排已经基本完成,试点范围不断扩大,交易因子也增加了两项。
Theoretical studies show that when the proportion of land compensation is the specific value, the monetary compensation can internalize all external transaction costs. 理论研究显示,当征地补偿比例为s时,货币补偿可以将外在交易成本全部内在化。